I promise and swear that I will be a good sport.
I won't whine or complain if I don't win an award.
I will always remember that this is supposed to be fun.
It's not life or death, it's only a hobby,so help me God.

A great turnout for the Real Easter Show on Sunday, March 31st. The people in attendance were:
Charlie Gilbert Sr, 69 Grand Prix
Charlie Gilbert Jr, 68 Camaro Convertible
Phil & Margie Moise, 72 Excalibur
Stu & Deb Langer, 69 Trans Am
Bill & Patti Dedeke, 64 Impala SS
Ralph Coldewe, 1959 Alfa Spider
Steve Coldewe, 1961 Alfa Romeo Sprint Speciale
John Moss, 47 Chevy Sedan
John's grandson Andrew, 1957 AlCamino
Dale Skyles, 2 CARS, 56 Chevy Sedan & 72 Chevy Nova
Charlie Gilbert Sr, Dale Skyes, Bill & Patti Dedeke, Stu & Deb Langer, Ralph Coldewe, and John Moss all won TOP 3 in their classes. Congratulations!

Charlie Gilbert, Mike Mirkay, Bill Dedeke, Dave Wilson and his daughter, and Stu & Deb Langer sat and watched the crazy people “Cruisin’ Lindbergh” on Sat. April 27th. We spotted Ralph Coldewe cruising in his El Camino, but we never did catch up with him. It was a fun time until the storms moved in around 8:00pm.

Lou Puricelli (34 Ford Street Rod) and Jack Howard (57 Chevy) took their cars to Hammerstone's in Soulard on Sat. May 18th. They were joined by friends John Moss (48 Chevy) and his grandson Andrew (57 AlCamino). Dennis Disbrow stopped by and visited for a while. No trophy winners.

Phil & Marge Moise and Stu Langer attended the Rids For Guides Car Show in Hazelwood on Sunday, May 19th. The show Raised money for the Guide Dogs of America.
Stu won the Best Paint award with his 69 Trans-Am.
Rides For Guides

Talledega Nights Car Show
The weather was perfect for the Talladega Nights Car Show on Memorial Day. Ralph & Jane (59 Alfa Spider) and Stu (69 Trans-Am) were the only Coachmen to attend.

Hazelwood Baptist Church Car Show
Charlie Gilbert (69 Grand Prix), Stu Langer (69 Trans Am), and Bill Dedeke (64 Impala SS) enjoyed a pleasant day at the annual Hazelwood Baptist Church Car Show. Attendance was way down from past years, and we had no winners this year.

Kimmswick Fathers' Day Car Show
The weather was a bit warm on Sunday for the Kimmswick Fathers' Day Car Show. Stu & Deb Langer (69 Trans Am), Bill Dedeke (64 Impala SS), and Ray Neimeier (2011 Dodge Challenger) were the only Coachmen in attendance.

Russell Brafford Charity Show
The weather was in the low 90's on Sunday, June 23rd for the Russell Brafford Charity Show. Phil & Margie Moise (72 Excaliber), Stu & Deb Langer (69 Trans Am), Lou Puricelli (67 Plymouth), Ray Neimeier (2011 Dodge Challenger), Bill & Patti Dedeke (64 Impala SS), and Charlie Gilbert (69 Grand Prix) participated in the show. The Langer's won Best Engine. Ray Niemeier, the Dedeke's, and Lou Puricelli all won Second Place awards. Congratulations!

HotRods for Heroes Car Show
Here we are overheating at the HotRods for Heroes Car Show, benefiting the Backstoppers, in Columbia, Ill. on Sunday, July 14th.
Bill Dedeke, Stu & Deb Langer, and Phil & Margie Moise brave the heat for most of the day.
Stu& Deb Langer won "Best GM" award.

Oakville Community Market Car Show
Dave Wilson (76 Trans-Am), Lou Puricelli (34 Ford Coupe),and Stu Langer (69 Trans-Am) went to the Oakville Community Market Car Show at St. Paul's United Church Of Christ on Saturday, Aug. 3rd. Dave was smart enough to park by a shadetree behind Lou and Stu (It was hot!). There weren't a lot of cars in attendance, Stu was lucky enough to win the "Best Classic Car up to 1980" award.

Maeystown BBQ & Car Show
Two Coachmen families went to the Maeystown BBQ & Car Show on Sunday, August 18th.
Bill and Patti Dedeke took their 64 Impala SS, and Mike and Carol Mirkay went in their 47 Ford Coupe.
Both cars won 1st place Trophies! Congratulations!

Kicks on Route 66 Car Show
Three Coachmen families went to the Kicks on Route 66 car show in Glen Carbon, Ill. on Saturday, September 7th.
E.J.Johnson and Kimberly showed off their newest ride, a 1932 Ford Coupe street rod, Phil & Margie Moise brought their '72 Excalibur, and Stu & Deb Langer had their '69 Trans Am.
This was not a judged show, strictly a display of a wide variety of cars. And the weather was PERFECT!

All Chevy Show

Three of us made it a "bachelors' day" at the All Chevy Show on Sunday, September 8th.
Ed Ruckenbrod displayed his newly acquired 2002 Corvette Convertible, Stu Langer had his 65 Chevelle Wagon, and Bill Dedeke brought his 64 Impala SS. Stu won a 3rd place award, but Bill was the big winner, winning both 1st place in his class and the best 60 year old Chevy. Congratulations!

Knights of Columbus Car Show
It was a gorgeous day on Saturday, Oct. 5th, for the Knights of Columbus Car Show in Columbia, Ill. Phil & Marge Moise brought their '72 Excaliber, Dave Wilson brought his 76 Pontiac Trans an, and Bill & Patti Dedeke brought their 64 Impala SS. Dave's family came over and visited for most of the afternoon.
Dave won 3rd place in his class and the Dedeke's won the Keith Renner Memorial Award. Congratulations!

American Graffiti Car Show
Mike Mirkay (47 Ford Coupe(, Bill Dedeke (64 Impala SS), and Stu & Deb Langer (69 Trans Am) went to the American Graffiti Car Show in DeSoto on Saturday Oct. 19th. Everyone was a winner! Bill and Stu each won "Best of Show" awards, and all three won a "Top 75" award. Congratulations!


I promise and swear that I will be a good sport.
I won't whine or complain if I don't win an award.
I will always remember that this is supposed to be fun.
It's not life or death, it's only a hobby,so help me God.

A great turnout for the Real Easter Show on Sunday, March 31st. The people in attendance were:
Charlie Gilbert Sr, 69 Grand Prix
Charlie Gilbert Jr, 68 Camaro Convertible
Phil & Margie Moise, 72 Excalibur
Stu & Deb Langer, 69 Trans Am
Bill & Patti Dedeke, 64 Impala SS
Ralph Coldewe, 1959 Alfa Spider
Steve Coldewe, 1961 Alfa Romeo Sprint Speciale
John Moss, 47 Chevy Sedan
John's grandson Andrew, 1957 AlCamino
Dale Skyles, 2 CARS, 56 Chevy Sedan & 72 Chevy Nova
Charlie Gilbert Sr, Dale Skyes, Bill & Patti Dedeke, Stu & Deb Langer, Ralph Coldewe, and John Moss all won TOP 3 in their classes. Congratulations!

Charlie Gilbert, Mike Mirkay, Bill Dedeke, Dave Wilson and his daughter, and Stu & Deb Langer sat and watched the crazy people “Cruisin’ Lindbergh” on Sat. April 27th. We spotted Ralph Coldewe cruising in his El Camino, but we never did catch up with him. It was a fun time until the storms moved in around 8:00pm.